Kalinga Vysya Matrimonials in Visakhapatnam, Matrimonials in Vizag, Kalinga MarriAge Bureau in Andhra Pradesh, Indian Kalinga Matrimony
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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions


  1. The bureau is for Kalinga Vysyas only
  2. The Marriage Information Center will have right to show the photographs to need full persons.
  3. The property particulars furnished in the Registration Form is only for Information
  4. Member have to pay 3,000 Rs One Time Payment Only towards Servicing Charges .
  5. The Marriage Information Center is in no way responsible for any complications, misunderstandings and disputes, that may arise in future ( i.e., before or after marriAge ) from out of the Marriage Information furnished by the Marriage Information Centre.
  6. The BIO-DATA, Photographs, Horoscope submitted in this Marriage Information Centre and servicing charges paid etc., are shall not be returned under any circumstances.
  7. Enrolled members are only will be given information.
  8. The information given by the bureau to the bride / bridegroom has to enquire themselves and confirm.
  9. We are right to add or deduct any of the requested BIO-DATAs of BRIDEs / BRIDEGROOMs.
  10. We have right to update the Rules and Regulations at any time.
  Mobile No:+91 09440186500
Phone No: +91 0891 3562926
matrimony membership payments, visakhapatnam
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matrimony website designing in visakhapatnam, andhra pradesh, india
Kalinga Vysya Matrimonials in Visakhapatnam, Matrimonials in Vizag, Kalinga MarriAge Bureau in Andhra Pradesh, Indian Kalinga Matrimony